Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Developing Hearts for World Missions

I've seen several recommendations for this DVD series, Dispatches from the Front. When we were raising our children we purposefully exposed them to the importance of world missions. They were blessed to develop several long-term relationships with  missionary families we supported. Missions was stressed in our prayers, in extending our hospitality, in our giving and in our letter writing. Now they are grown with children of their own, and I have noticed them starting to expose their own children to missions.

This DVD series may be something you'll want to take advantage of in your own efforts. I haven't personally seen them, so I'm not sure about age appropriateness. You'll want to make that decision for yourself.  Josh Harris has been viewing them with his family and offers the following comments.

"Our family has been watching a series of excellent DVD's called Dispatches from the Front. Today we watched the episode set in India. My three kids were enthralled. I want, and I want my kids to have, a heart for world missions. These videos stir that passion."
episode-1-islands-on-the-edge.jpegThe description of the series on their website states, "Believers everywhere desperately need a renewed vision of Christ and the unstoppable advance of His saving work in all the earth. Our view of God's Kingdom is often too small and limited to what we have experienced. Dispatches from the Front highlights the marvelous extent, diversity, and unity of Christ's Kingdom in our world. The journal format of each episode underscores the daily unfolding of God's activity on the 'frontlines,' bringing viewers up-close with sights and sounds from distant corners of the Kingdom."
All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, 
And they shall glorify Your name.  (Psalm 86:9)

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