Thursday, August 11, 2011

Be an "Amazing Old Man or Woman"

Jim Elliff (Christian Communicators Worldwide) recently wrote an essay entitled, "Preparing to Be an Amazing Old Man or Woman."  There is no retirement for a Christian, so it's worth taking the time to prepare yourself to be a faithful servant of God into your senior years. It's both a great privilege and a great responsibility to be used by God at any age! Here's an excerpt...

It’s not uncommon for God to use older people. Take Caleb who fought giants as an octogenarian. Or Moses, who led a cantankerous people up to the promised land at 120. Remember Anna, the widow, who served God with prayers at the temple in Jerusalem. God delights in doing this, because it makes clear that the power for living and doing the will of God isn’t found in mere human capacity, but in God Himself. Is it possible that God could use you even more in your latter years than in the earlier ones?

1.  Learn the Bible as well as possible while you can read and think well. When you come to the latter years, you are supposed to be wise. Now, please tell me, how can you be wise without thinking God’s thoughts?
2.  Clear your conscience. Don’t harbor unresolved issues that will create worrisome trouble for you both now and later.
3.  Put love first... Jesus and the authors of the New Testament all testify to the supreme place of love in the life of true believers. It is the mark of maturity, the royal law, the perfect bond of unity. It is above all, and is the law of Christ.
4.  Be a giver... Be open-handed with your time, money, and things. 
5.  Don’t quit serving. Be an example of gracious service to God. God’s people don’t retire, but they do take different assignments. 
6.  Be an example of faithfulness. Loyalty to church... is in short supply these days. You can rectify that. Be as faithful to the gatherings and activities of the church as is physically possible. If you cannot drive, don’t feel badly about asking someone to pick you up. You can help cover their gasoline, or you can take them out to eat at times to show your gratitude. Be there even in the evening when most old folks sink into their easy chairs. What better place is there to be than in the fellowship of other believers? It will cheer your spirits, when slouching in the recliner will depress you. Teach the younger ones that they should pay any price to be with other believers. 
[The entire essay may be found here.]

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