Thursday, July 14, 2011

Preview: "Uneclipsing the Son"

I've started reading Rick Holland's debut book, "Uneclipsing the Son." Too many settle for "Christianity" rather than delighting in the glory of Christ. Holland compares it to settling for the aura around the sun seen during a total eclipse, instead of basking in the full radiance of the sun itself. It's an apt metaphor that will get you thinking ... and growing! This is a short book with a dull cover... that may help you discover what it means to have joy in Christ. Here's a taste...

"Love craves knowledge of its Beloved. It is impossible to overstate how important the knowledge of Christ is to loving Him. The less we know about Him, the less air flows into the lungs of our souls. The more we inform our minds with truth about Jesus, the more captivated we become with wonder of the God-man. Knowledge of the Savior provides an authentic, rational encounter with divine majesty...

Peter (2 Peter 1:2-3) understood that the reception and experience of grace and peace are the consequences of the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. Beyond that, this knowledge grants us all, everything we need for living life and being godly. Everything our soul desires comes from understanding Jesus.

Sometimes - too often - we want other things, but Peter gives us a clear hint that if our souls recognize the spiritual needs that the knowledge of Jesus meets, then He will become the object of our desire. The truth is, what you want and what you need is Jesus, but you won't know that until you know Him. The more intensely He becomes the focused centrality of our faith, the more His worth overshadows all other joys...

The whole reason you have affections is to enjoy Christ. And everything recorded about Christ in Scripture was specifically put there to draw out your affections, to discover His attractiveness, to make your love more deep and intimate. What does it look like when our love for Jesus controls our affections? He Himself will be the object and focus of our love; our hopes will long for Him; our desire will be for Him; our hate and anger will be directed at sin because it offends Him. All the powers and aspirations of the heart will look to Him. Thoughts of Him will be our favorite thoughts. Remembrances of Him will be our most precious memories. Our consciences will be tuned to His heart. Every sense and ability will be at His disposal:
eyes to see His glory, 
ears to hear His word,
tongues to proclaim His praise,
feet to serve His mission,
awareness to give Him attention.

Our gifts will be used for Him, our talents displayed for His glory. Our resources will all be at His disposal. every relationship will be regulated by our greater love for Him. Every moment of life will be about Jesus. He will come to have first place in everything. (Colossians 1:18)"


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