Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pray Them In

Rico Tice, co-author of a 10-week outreach study called "Christianity Explored," was interviewed recently and had something important to say about the role of prayer in outreach. I know I often find people I have been witnessing to or encouraging come to my mind throughout the day, but usually at the time I'm least able to actually communicate with them. Before you know it, more time has passed than I had intended! Tice offers the following suggestion...

"Personally, the key for every Christian is the morning quiet time. Are you specifically praying for anyone? If you are not praying for them, you will not follow up with them. If you are praying for them in the morning, you will text or call them in the afternoon for the purpose of the gospel."

[Christianity Explored - Study Guide, based on the Gospel of Mark, is available at FBC for anyone wishing to do an outreach Bible study with someone. Just see me. Or you may purchase it for yourself via this link.]

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