Saturday, April 16, 2011

Be Faithful in "Little Things"

Tim "happened" to run into someone who remembered me from some 25 years ago when his family attended FBC for a short time.  I'm embarrassed to say I don't remember him, even though he could recall my name after all this time.  But the incident got me thinking about our lifetime walk before the Lord.  There are times I feel so burdened that I'm not bringing God the glory He deserves, that I'm not saying the "right" thing at the "right" time, that I'm not reaching "enough" people with the gospel, that I have such little impact reflecting God's glory in this dark world.  There is such great need!  But... when you get right down to it, few of us ever have the opportunity to  see what God does with all those "little things" we might do in His name and for His glory.

Then I saw this video Challies posted on his blog today and it hit me.  Serving God is a lifetime endeavor of "little things" done faithfully, day by day.  For a few short years we are allowed to be but one small part of the advancement of God's program.  All He asks of us as believers is that we walk faithfully before Him TODAY, that we persevere in following Him, that we keep our eyes on His eternal truths, that we just be faithful in the "little things" and leave the "big picture" up to Him.  Viewing this video made me realize that in the 32 years I have been a believer, I have met and interacted in some small way in the lives of individuals in nearly every one of those situations mentioned!  In each case, whether I realized it or not, I  had represented God according to the God-given ability I possessed at that moment in my Christian walk. As difficult as their circumstances were, God's Word was able to reveal their greatest need, letting them know that the best answer to their life situation begins with Christ.  I have absolutely no idea how God used any of those experiences.  He is a mighty God, though my efforts may be feeble!

Now, 25 years later, God has chosen to use my child to possibly impact the life of an individual who has been given yet another chance to know God, to repent and trust in the finished work of Christ.  What a blessing to be given this peek at God working!  May we continue to walk faithfully before God TODAY to the best of our abilities by the power of God's grace ... no matter how "small" the task.  To God be the glory!

[Click here to see the video.]

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