Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011 Shepherd's Conference Book Give-Away

Some of you just couldn't wait for the list of books handed out at Shepherd's Conference this year. I feel your pain ... I searched high and low on the Internet until I found this year's selections. The FBC library has some of these and I am ordering several more. When they come in I'll put up a special display in our Library. If you just can't wait that long, here is the list...

Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, Jerry Bridges 
To the Glory of God: A 40-Day Devotional on the Book of Romans, James Montgomery Boice
Rescuing Ambition, Dave Harvey & C.J. Mahaney

Challies has a review of Reverberation, about the supremacy of the Word in the church, found here.  I'm currently reading MacArthur's book, Slave, which I think is one of the best books he's put out  in a while! If you want background to the NT, this is well worth your time to read.

I'd also like to recommend Steve Viars' book, Putting Your Past in Its Place. Man-centered psychology has infiltrated the church and holds many believers in bondage. Steve Viars is Senior Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, Indiana. They provided the NANC [National Assoc. of Nouthetic Counselors] training I've participated in the past several years. Steve taught several of the sessions each year. They are solid biblical counselors who believe in the sufficiency of God's Word. The Apostle Peter assures us, "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness.." (2Pet.1:3) I'm also looking forward to reading David Hegg's book, since I have enjoyed reading his blog posts. Tim just put his copies of Slave & Called to Lead into the Library for all to enjoy.  READ edifying books!


  1. The review for "To the Glory of God: a 40 Day Devotional Based on Romans" by James Montgomery Boice said it's a good book for both new believers & seekers. It's always good to have such books on hand to be able to hand out to people when you come across them! I recommend keeping a few copies for just such occasions. It will also help you be LOOKING for the right person to give it to!

  2. The book display is up in the FBC library. Check it out!
