Monday, May 24, 2010

7 Ways to "Quench the Spirit"

In 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Paul commands believers, "Do not be quenching the Spirit". To "quench" means "to dampen, hinder, repress, as in preventing the Holy Spirit from exerting His full influence" on a believer. Puritan author Richard Sibbes, in his book The Bruised Reed, points out several ways believers might "quench" the Holy Spirit. It's good to examine ourselves lest we should cling to such behavior!

"My sin is too bad." - False despair of Christ's mercy:
"As soon as we look to heaven, all encouragements are ready to meet us ...None are damned in the church but those that are determined to be... that they may have some show of reason to fetch contentment from other things..."

"Sin now... repent later." - False hope of Christ's mercy: 
"There are those who take up a hope of their own, that Christ will allow them to walk in the ways to hell, and yet bring them to heaven."

"I'm saved... I don't need to pray... read the Bible... sit under preaching... fellowship... submit" - Presuming on Christ's mercy:
"If we are negligent in the exercise of grace received and the use of the means prescribed, allowing our spirits to be oppressed with many and various cares of this life, and take not heed of the discouragements of the times, for this kind of neglect God in His wise care allows to fall into a worse condition in our feelings than those that were never so much enlightened."

"I'll look elsewhere for comfort." - Seeking another source of mercy:
"How do they wrong themselves and Him that will have other mediators to God for them than He!...Let all, at all times, repair to this meek Savior, and put up all our petitions in His prevailing name. What need do we have to knock at any other door?"

"I love Jesus... I just don't like some of His people." - Mistreating the Heirs of Mercy:
" When He is so kind to us, shall we be cruel against Him in His name, in His truth, in His children? How shall those that delight to be so terrible to 'the meek of the earth' hope to look so gracious a Savior in the face?"

"How dare you!" - Strife Among the Heirs of Mercy:
 "Our discord is our enemy's melody...The more to blame are those that for private aims affect differences from others, and will not allow the wounds of the church to close and meet together."

"We need to soften the message so it's not offensive." - Despising the Simple Means of Mercy:
"They carry themselves very unkindly towards Christ who...are ashamed of the simplicity of the gospel, that count preaching foolishness... (who) mend the matter with their own devices so that they may give better satisfaction to flesh and blood."

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