Friday, August 14, 2009

The Word Pictures of Thomas Watson

One of the books I'm currently reading is Expository Preaching with Word Pictures: With Illustrations from the Sermons of Thomas Watson, by Jack Hughes. I enjoy reading good books on Homiletics because so many things also apply to good teaching. Thomas Watson is a Puritan author who remains very approachable some 300 years later. Here are a few examples of his work:

"Walking in the ways of sin is like walking on the banks of a river. The sinner treads on the banks of the bottomless pit, and if death gives him a jog, he tumbles in."

"An idle person is the devil's tennis ball, which he bandies up and down with temptation till at last the ball goes out of play."

"The world is but a great inn where we are to stay a night or two and be gone. What madness it is so to set our heart upon our inn as to forget our home!"

If you've never read anything by Thomas Watson, I'd recommend trying The Godly Man's Picture. Don't expect to rush through it, but work your way through it slowly, savoring the words.

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