Friday, January 16, 2009
"Happy" in Christ
Speaking to His disciples in the "Sermon on the Mount", Jesus gave a list of the characteristics of individuals who will enter the Kingdom. This isn't a 'pick & choose list'. All of these attributes are characteristic of the person entering the Kingdom. Each verse in Mt.5:3-11 begins with the word variously translated "Blessed" or "Happy" in English. You might misunderstand the biblical meaning if you are relying upon the meaning of the English word "happy", which is based upon the root word "hap", meaning luck as a favorable circumstance (e.g. "happenstance"). It carries the idea that life is good, I am lucky, and as a result that makes me "happy". But what happens when the circumstances of life are not good?
The Koine Greek word used is "makarios". Dr. Zodhiates gives a good definition in his NT Word Study: "Blessed, possessing the favor of God, that state of being marked by fullness from God. It indicates the state of the believer in Christ, of one who becomes a partaker of God's nature through faith in Christ. The believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit because of Christ and as a result should be fully satisfied no matter the circumstances."
To be "makarios" is to have God as your "portion" [Ps.119:57]. It means to be totally, completely satisfied in God regardless of the circumstances of life. [If you didn't happen to hear Pastor Wragg's sermon last Sunday night, be sure to listen to it on the FBC website.] This section of Ps.119 starts out with, "The LORD is my portion..." and then lists six ways a believer cultivates satisfaction in God, rather than allowing life's circumstances to be the bellwether of his happiness.
1. Constantly, wholeheartedly be seeking to know God as He has revealed Himself in His word. (58)
2. Constantly be practicing repentance. (59)
3. Be doing what God commands. (60)
4. Be fighting against all earthly distractions. (61)
5. Constantly be practicing thankfulness in prayer. (62)
6. Be developing close relationships with Godly-minded people. (63)
How does this truth impact your life? In what ways can you specifically incorporate it into your Christian walk?
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